
Will Romania and Bulgaria FINALLY join the Schengen Area?

Will Romania and Bulgaria FINALLY join the Schengen Area?

Will Romania and Bulgaria FINALLY join the Schengen Area?

postat de MikkaEn


  1. They’ll join when Netherland will finally see their own corruption and crime problems, that are bigger than those in Romania and Bulgaria.

  2. Raspunsul scurt: nu.

    Raspunsul mai lung: partidul lui Rutte are alegeri interne in cateva luni. In situatia asta dom’ Rutte nu poate risca sa primeasca Romania si Bulgaria in Schengen, pentru ca isi pierde scaunul. Valul de euroscepticism e destul de puternic in Olanda si daca ne primesc, creste si mai mult.

  3. Din comentarii:

    >*Bulgaria and Romania are treated as second hand members of EU and this may kick back. Both countries are very important geopolitically. Both border Russia in the Black Sea region. Both border the problematic Western Balkans and Bulgaria is one of the key entry point in the whole of Europe, bordering Turkey. Critical regions like Bulgaria and Romania need support and integration, not isolation. A lot of EU members opposed the integration of those two countries in EU and NATO in the past. Just imagine in this moment when Russia invaded Ukraine, what would the situation be if they were still part of the russian influence and part of the Warsaw pack or some russian militray allience. Integrating those two countries was super success for the western interests. Just imagine Bulgaria is not part of NATO and EU- Russia would get total access to the Balkans, connect with Serbia and practically cut the whole southern front of NATO and EU. It is just stupid to keep them out of Schenge Area and treat them as some second hand members of EU.*

  4. Eu zic ca vom intra. Clasa politica actuala nu merita “un premiu” ca intrarea in schengen, dar cetățenii romani merita, iar situația actuala este foarte favorabilă acestei intrări.



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